Introducing Dish - the Mealkit!
Dish - the Mealkit is a collaborative art project between Yvonne and fellow artist Dave Kyu. In 2018 the team received the Velocity Fund to support this project - dishes from Dish will be made into mail-order mealkits that contain ingredients and the stories behind three recipes that immigrant youth have learned from their elders. The project will ask customers to donate or “pay as they wish” for this meal kit, which pays for another mealkit to be donated to a person with food need. The stories behind these diverse dishes are vitally important to us. In the current political climate, connecting people is of utmost importance, and what connects people more than food? We believe this project can invite us to experience new cultures through food, animate the stories behind our meals, and strengthen our shared experience through the food memories we all share.
Signing up for a meal kit is easy! Sign up in the red box, and you will receive one box with three meals. Pay the amount you wish, and 100% of the proceeds will allow us to make the same meal kit and give it to a person with food need. Therefore, the more you pay, the more mealkits we can donate!
Order Your Mealkit
Place an order by filling out this Google form!

Zha Jiang Mien
Yvonne Lung
Fish Fillets Stir Fried with Green Onions and Ginger and Chinese Greens
Huidan Mei
Pork and Crab wonton noodles
(to be confirmed)

Q: How much does the mealkit cost?
A: However much you’d like to pay! Just remember, if you pay more, we’ll be able to make mealkits for people who need meals!
Q: Can you cater to people with dietary restrictions?
A: Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot. The meal kit will have meat, soy, gluten, and sugar. We hope that we can continue this project, and if we do, we will start to provide mealkits with various dietary needs.
Q: what is the deadline to sign up for a mealkit?
A: deadline to sign up online is midnight, August 30, 2019.
Q: When will I receive the mealkit?
A: Currently we anticipate boxing and distributing the mealkits in September.
Q: How will I receive the mealkit?
A: We can either mail it to you like a normal meal kit, or you can pick up at our pick up locations (to be determined)